BHES has a Green School distinction, which means that the school and the PTA post the majority of our information online or send it via email.
Our PTA has a listserv through our school directory database, Membership Toolkit. All registered school families in the database receive emails about PTA events including our Weekly Whale and community announcements. Please follow the instructions below to register.
Instructions for registering with Membership Toolkit:
If you are new to Bradley Hills:
Go to the website and click on Register/Login.
Click Create Account. Enter your account information.
The website will send you a confirmation e-mail before you can continue with the registration process.
Confirm your e-mail address and then you can enter your family information and set your Directory & Publish preferences.
You must complete your family information AND your directory publish preferences (under My Account) in order to view the directory. You can also download the app from the App Store or Google Play.
The Weekly Whale is the BHES PTA’s weekly news brief. It contains information relating to the PTA and school-related activities, such as fun family events, fundraising events, charity efforts, volunteer opportunities, important dates, and other announcements. The Weekly Whale is distributed via Membership Toolkit at the start of each week (typically on Sundays). The current issue is also posted on the right side of the PTA website homepage.
Follow us on Instagram @bradleywhalespta for real time updates on school-related activities such as fun family events, fundraising events, volunteer opportunities and other announcements. Tag us in your stories or send us pictures you would like to share with the community (only include pictures of your own children).
BHES Weekly Community Announcements include postings that are relevant to BHES families, while not specifically related to or endorsed by BHES, the BHES PTA, or the BHEF. Announcements on non-school sponsored activities, local events, yard sales, recommendations or help wanted may be accepted. No business advertisements, solicitations or mass mailings.
If you are a parent or community member and have a post that you would like included in the BHES Weekly Community Announcements, please email it by Thursdays at 5pm to BHEScommunityannouncements@gmail.com, in fewer than 250 words.
Many times, news comes out fast and cannot wait until the Weekly Whale.