Welcome BHES Families!

Dear Bradley Hills Elementary School (BHES) Families,

On behalf of the entire BHES PTA Board I want to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! My name is Jenni Weinstein, and I am honored to serve as your PTA President this year. I hope your families are enjoying summer because before we know it we will be time to head back to school!

Last year the BHES PTA served an important role in bringing our community back together after a socially-distanced year apart. This year, we look forward to continuing to learn and celebrate with you in person, while creating new opportunities to learn and grow together. For those new to our community, the PTA sponsors events throughout the year that are designed to enrich our students’ academic experience and foster community. We facilitate communication between parents and school administration and advocate for our school’s needs at the Whitman Cluster and MCPS-wide levels. We provide support, in both volunteer hours and supplies, for our teachers in the classroom. Finally, we create opportunities to give back to our community and teach our students the value of service. All these activities are made possible by an incredible team of families and volunteers like you!

We invite you to become a PTA member and join us in our mission. PTA membership is a critical means of connecting our community, funding enrichment events, advocating as a school, and supporting our teachers and staff.

Here are some suggested ways to get involved:

  • Check out the BHES PTA Website to learn more about who we are and what we do! Explore and download our calendar to keep up to speed on half days, days off, school events, PTA General Board Meetings, and other activities.

  • JOIN the PTA! Family membership in the PTA costs $35 and helps support PTA activities throughout the year. Your membership gives you voting rights at our General PTA Board Meetings and lends weight to the PTA’s advocacy efforts. With your family membership you also receive a printed copy of the school directory and full-year, online access to the directory.

    To register, click on the link above or go to the Membership Toolkit and click on the “Register/Login” button.

    • If you had an account in the legacy AtoZ system (BHES directory): use the same e-mail address that you had previously listed as your contact e-mail. Confirm your e-mail address (the new AtoZ site will send you a confirmation e-mail before you can continue with the registration process). Update your contact information (if you have any changes) and set your Directory & Publicity preferences.

    • If you are a new user: click “Create Account” and proceed as directed.

  • VOLUNTEER your time! There are dozens of ways to support BHES students, teachers, and administrators: foster communication and a sense of connection in your child’s class by serving as a Room Parent; help organize a signature PTA event; or join a committee to provide support throughout the school year. The BHES PTA has volunteer opportunities to fit every schedule. Visit our volunteer page to learn more and sign up! Have questions or ideas? Send an email to the PTA Board Volunteer Liaison, Joanna Marsh.

  • SUPPORT the PTA! We kick off the PTA Annual Fund, our primary fundraiser, at the beginning of each school year. The Annual Fund supports classroom technology, cultural arts assemblies, visiting artists, recess equipment, classroom supplies, and more. We encourage PTA members to come to meetings, review our budget, and offer your suggestions for how to direct the money we raise. Don’t forget to explore company matching programs, rewards programs and of course take a charitable donation on your taxes for any amount you give.

And, as always, reach out to me directly at via email with any feedback you may have about how to make our PTA work even better for our families.

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer, and I look forward to getting to know and serve our community this year! Please join us for a Welcome Back Coffee on the blacktop following drop off on the first day of school and please save the date for our Back to School Picnic, on September 17, 2022 @ 5pm.


Jenni Weinstein
2022-2023 PTA President

Ricardo Gonzalez